Rebranding your business for 2019
Rebranding your business or even if you are a new business looking for a brand creating, Lee Matthew Creative certainly can help you with this.
CMYK versus RGB – So what’s the difference between them? In printing and design terms, Designers will always create artwork in CMYK for print as this is what digital print machines are set up for. When people supply their own files, generally they are set to RGB and once printed the colour may be different as it has been printed using CMYK. RGB colours should only be used for web design as this is how screens view the colours. Although then we also have spot colours. As a designer we use spot colours for printers that use Litho print machines. This is for people that want an exact match of their colours everytime. Spot colours is where we use actual inks rather that digital representations.
So when you look at which you use in your document, first decide what you need it for, decide if you are going to use it for your website, for viewing on a screen then RGB is the way to go. If you are using for a printed document for your business that you are sending to a printer then defiantly CMYK. But as for Spot colours this is something that your designer will sort out and you can discuss with them before it goes to print
Rebranding your business or even if you are a new business looking for a brand creating, Lee Matthew Creative certainly can help you with this.
So what is the difference between Logo design and branding – a lot of people do associate it with being the same thing but it
So why is it important to have a quality website? Almost every business needs a website, an online presence. If you are out and about
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